Listen to find the voice within.
Your voice is your birthright, but how you use it is your choice.
Scared to create? Good so am I.
“What we’re free to say is bound to how free we are to say it.” — Anonymous Voice
Your voice as an artist has nothing to do with what they think. It’s what you think and feel that matters.
But how do you truly know what you think and feel?
As your creative coach I guide you to dive deeper to know your truth as an artist. Whether you are looking for the courage to begin, navigating challenges midpoint or searching for the perfect ending, together we clear any blocks holding you back from birthing your unique vision into the world. I’ve overcome block after block on my path as an artist and I long to help you overcome yours. It may not be even be your block, but your mother’s resentment stuck inside your heart or your father's forgotten dream trapped in your intestines.
I bring my eye, candor, courage, intuition, devotion and inspiration to your process. Through drawing, movement, writing and intuiting you will unleash your inner artist. I hold a sacred safe space to allow for your true expression and creative magic to flow. And with my marketing experience I support you to channel your flow into the world to be seen and heard.
Schedule a creative coaching session (in person, skype or phone). Sliding scale available for low income and seniors.
Jessica Sue Burstein specializes in helping artists liberate their voices to create from a place of true authenticity through personal guidance sessions and workshop facilitation. Her experience as an accomplished artist combined with the Tamalpa Life/Art Process® forms the perfect elixir as an embodied creative coach. A critically acclaimed writer, director and performer in film and TV (MTV, NBC) for the past 15 years, her work has garnered awards and shown at festivals throughout the world including Sundance. She is certified as an Advanced Teacher Trainer in Expressive Arts and Movement at Tamalpa Institute and was selected as a member of the Tamalpa alumni board. She worked extensively with reknown dancer Anna Halprin and holds a MFA in Photography and Video from the School of Visual Arts. Currently, she is researching and writing a new project about the legacy of voice in her Jewish lineage while leading Tamalpa Life/Art workshops internationally to support women's voices and professional actors in their scene study. Jessica Sue was selected with Amy Baumgarten to present their workshop "Embodying Voice in Authentic Expression" at the 33rd Annual North American Body-Mind Centering Association (BMCA) Conference at Smith College, Northampton, MA in June 2018.